1. bureaucratic (adj.)
-using or connected with many complicated rules and ways of doing things : of, relating to, or like a bureaucracy or bureaucrat
-example: She had a bureaucratic nightmare.
2. retain (v.)
-(1)to continue to have or use (something)
-(2)to keep (someone) in a position, job, etc.
-(3)to pay for the work of (a person or business)
-example: A landlord may retain part of your deposit if you break the lease.
3. interfere (v.)
-to deliberately become involved in a situation and try to influence the way that it develops, although you have no right to do this
-example: I don't want to interfere, but maybe you'd better listen to me.
3. capricious (adj.)
-(1)changing often and quickly; especially : often changing suddenly in mood or behavior
-(2)not logical or reasonable : based on an idea, desire, etc., that is not possible to predict
-example: The court ruled that the punishment was arbitrary and capricious.
4. unbridgeable (adj.)
-used for describing problems or differences between people that are so great that they will never be solved or agreed on
-example: The gulf between us was unbridgeable.
5. irreconcilable (adj.)
-so different that agreement is not possible
-example: The theories that are irreconcilable with each other.
6. chasm (n.)
-(1)a very big difference that separates one person or group from another
-(2)a very deep crack in rock or ice
-example: There is a chasm in the ocean floor.
7. upholder (v.)
-(1)to support or defend (something, such as a law)
-(2)to judge (a legal decision) to be correct : to decide not to change (a verdict)
-example: He took an oath to uphold the Constitution.
8. sublime (adj.)
-very beautiful or good : causing strong feelings of admiration or wonder
-example: He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence.
9. wrath (n.)
-very great anger
-example: He feared the wrath of his employer.
10. morality (n.)
-(1)principles of right or wrong behaviour
-(2) the degree to which something is considered to be right or wrong
-example: As a novelist, she has never been very preoccupied by morality.
11. blizzard (n.)
-(1)a storm with a lot of snow and strong winds
-(2)a sudden large amount of something that must be dealt with
-example: Roads were closed due to severe blizzards.
12. anthropocentric (adj.)
-considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe
-example: The ancient people were anthropocentric.
13. stranglehold (n.)
-strong power over someone or something that prevents them from having any freedom to act
-example: Government forces have tightened their stranglehold on the region.
14. aristocratic (adj.)
-belonging to or typical of the aristocracy
-example: She comes from an aristocratic family.
15. allegiance (n.)
- loyalty to a person, country, group, etc.
-example: He owes allegiance to them for all the help they have given him.
16. decrees (n.)
-(1)an official decision or order made by a leader or government
-(2)a judgment made by a court of law
-example: The President issued a decree making the day a national holiday.
17. permit (v.)
- to allow someone to do something, or to allow something to happen
-example: The use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the aircraft.
18. assembly (n.)
-a part of a government consisting of people who have been elected to make laws
-example: The ruling party holds only a three-vote majority in the assembly.
19. formidable (adj.)
-(1)very powerful or strong : deserving serious attention and respect
-(2)very difficult to deal with
-(3)large or impressive in size or amount
-example: The mountains were a formidable barrier.
20. rigid (adj.)
-(1)not able to be bent easily
-(2)not easily changed
-(3)not willing to change opinions or behavior
-example: The patient's legs were rigid.
21. precedent (n.)
-an action or event in the past that is used as an example or reason for a present action or event
-example: There are good precedents for this sort of cooperation between organizations.
22. precarious (adj.)
-not safe, strong, or steady
-example: He earned a precarious livelihood by gambling.
23. adversary (n.)
-an enemy or opponent
-example: His political adversaries tried to prevent him from winning the nomination.
24. amateurs (n.)
-(1)someone who does something because they enjoy it instead of as a job
-(2)someone who does not do something very well
-example: Let's show them what a bunch of amateurs they are.
25. versatile (adj.)
-(1)able to be used in many different ways
-(2)having a wide range of different skills and abilities
-example: This versatile summer jacket is a great buy.