
1.   obscure (v.)

-to make (something) difficult to understand or know : to make (something) obscure

-to hide or cover (something) : to be in front of (something) so that it cannot be seen

-example: The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.


2.   pastoral (adj.)

-of or relating to the countryside or to the lives of people who live in the country

-example: The house is situated in a charming pastoral setting.


3.   faction  (n.)

- a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group

-example: The committee soon split into factions.


4.   deportation (n.)

-the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial

-example: The deportation of the Jews from Spain in 1492.


5.   formative (adj.)

-(1)used to describe the time when someone or something is growing or being formed

-(2)helping to develop something

-example: This experience had a formative influence on his art.


6.   canonical (adj.)

-(1)connected with or allowed by the laws of the Christian church

-(2)following the generally accepted rules of something

-example: Do you agree with that canonical rule?


7.   legacy  (n.)

-money or property that you arrange for someone to have after you die

-example: My grandmother died and left me a small legacy.


8.   codify (v.)

- to put (laws or rules) together as a code or system

-example: The convention codified the rules of war.


9.   encroach (v.)

-to gradually take something such as power or authority from someone else

-example: The federal government is encroaching on a state issue.


10.   absorb (vt.)

-(1) to take in (something, such as a liquid) in a natural or gradual way

-(2) to draw in (heat, light, energy, etc.)

-(3)to learn (something)

-example: The walls are made of a material that absorbs sound.


11.   revolt  (n.)

-violent action against a ruler or government

-example: The peasants' revolt was crushed by the king.


12.   crush  (v.)

-to hit or press something so hard that you damage it severely or destroy it, especially by making its shape flatter

-example: The front of the car was completely crushed in the accident.


13.   arch  (n.)

- a usually curved part of a structure that is over an opening and that supports a wall or other weight above the opening

-example: There was a slight arch to her eyebrows.


14.   legionary (n.)

- a soldier who is a member of a legion

-example: The daring exploits of the French legionaries have long been the stuff of literary and cinematic legend.


15.   menorah  (n.)

-an object that holds seven or more candles, used in the Jewish religion

-example: Do you find the menorah?


16.   candelabrum (n.)

-a proper noun

-example: He drew a candelabrum tree.


17.   solidarity  (n.)

- a feeling of unity between people who have the same interests, goals, etc.

-example: The vote was a show of solidarity.


18.   stateless  (adj.)

- not belonging to a nation : not a citizen of any country

-example: A stateless person is one who is not officially recognized as a citizen of any country.


19.   conception (n.)

- a belief about what something is like

-example: His conception of the world is a very strange one.


20.   revolutionary (adj.)

-relating to, involving, or supporting a political revolution

-example: A candidate with a lot of crazy, revolutionary ideas that no one seems to be going for.


21.   termination  (n.)

- the end of an agreement, job, or situation

-example: The board may order the termination of all research activities.


22.   blend (n.)

-something produced by mixing or combining different things

-example: The dish is about a blend of cream and eggs.


23.   landmass (n.)

-a very large area of land (such as a continent)

-example: The islands of Ireland and Great Britain were once part of the Eurasian landmass.


24.   forebear  (n.)

-a member of your family in the past

-example: Your forebears are the people in your family who lived a long time ago.


25.   citadel (n.)

-a castle or fort that in past times was used to protect the people of a city if the city was attacked

-example: We visited a medieval citadel in Italy.





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    notes in class

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