1. aptitude (n.)
-natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well
-example: I had no aptitude for accountancy and began to hate it.
2. aqueduct (n.)
-a structure like a bridge that takes water across a valley
-example: Marveled at the ancient Roman aqueducts that still carry water to distant villages.
3. manly (adj.)
-typical of the way that a man is traditionally expected to behave, especially bybeing strong and brave
-example: He wasn't manly enough to fight.
4. versatile (adj.)
-(1)able to be used in many different ways
-(2)having a wide range of different skills and abilities
-example: This versatile summer jacket is a great buy.
5. metrical (adj.)
-relating to the patterns of sounds and rhythms in poetry
-example: The metrical chugging of the machinery had a hypnotic effect.
6. satire (n.)
- a play, book, film etc that uses this humour
-example: His latest book is a biting satire on the monarchy.
7. wholesale (adj.)
-BUSINESS relating to the business of selling large quantities of goods, especiallyto people who are going to sell them in a shop
-example: Wholesale prices fell last month.
8. furtive (adj.)
-done quickly and secretly to avoid being noticed
-example: He gave her a furtive glance.
9. indebted (adj.)
-(1)grateful to someone for their help
-(2)owing money
-example: We are indebted to all who made this such a successful day.
10. inexorable (adj.)
-impossible to stop
-example: The inexorable growth of multinational companies.
11. intrigue (v.)
- to make someone very interested in knowing more aboutsomething, especially something that seems mysterious
-example: That old house has always intrigued me.
12. usher (v.)
-to lead someone politely somewhere, for example into a room or towards a seat
-example: Inspector Malley ushered us into his office.
13. flagrant (adj.)
-done in an obvious way that shows you do not care if you break rules or offendpeople
-example: A flagrant disregard for the law
14. immense (adj.)
-extremely large
-example: An immense amount of money has already been spent on the project.
15. amenity (n.)
-something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to live or work somewhere
-example: Amenities include a gym, a pool, and a jacuzzi.
16. vulgar (adj.)
-lacking the ability to judge what is attractive, suitable etc
-example: A vulgar waste of money.
17. sardonic (adj.)
-a sardonic smile, expression, or comment shows a lack of respect for whatsomeone else has said or done
-example:The movie is a sardonic look at modern life.
18. knit (v.)
- to make something such as a piece of clothingusing wool and sticks called knitting needles
-example: She reads and knits to pass the time.
19. crucify (v.)
- to criticize someone in a very cruel way
-example: I'm going to get crucified by the media for this.
20. disintegrate (v.)
-to be completely destroyed by breaking into lots of very small pieces, for exampleas the result of an explosion
-example: The rocket disintegrated when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.
21. conjecture (n.)
- the development of a theory or guess based on informationthat is not complete
-example: The cause of the crash is pure conjecture at thispoint.
22. bard (n.)
-a poet
-example: I am a bard.
23. grasp (v.)
-to take and hold something or someone very tightly
-example: She grasped his hand and pulled him towards her.
24. repertoire (n.)
-all the songs, pieces of music etc that a performer knows and is able to perform
-example: We teach the full repertoire of programming techniques.
25. infantry (n.)
-soldiers who fight on foot, not on horses or in tanks or other vehicles
-example: He joined the infantry after leaving school.