
1.   combatant (n.) 

-a person, group, or country that takes part in a war

-example: Our nation is combatant during this war.



2.   duel (n.) 

-an argument between two people

-example: Don't bother us.That's our duel.



3.   spear (n.)

-a long weapon like a stick with one sharp end

-example: I held a spear in the forests.



4.   gripping (adj.)

-very exciting and interesting

-example: That movie is so gripping that you should take a look.



5.   shaft (n.)

-the main part of something long and thin, not including the end

-example: Don't touch the shaft of an arrow.



6.   lever (v.)

-to move something using a lever

-example: They had to lever the door open.



7.   chariot (n.)

-a vehicle with two wheels and no roof that was pulled by horses in races and battles in ancient times. Someone who drove a chariot was called a charioteer.

-example: There is a chariot here.



8.   jut (v.)

- to be further forward than other things or thannormal

-example: Her hip bones jutted out.



9.   flounder  (v.)

-(1)to experience difficulties and be likely to fail

-(2)to feel confused and not know what to say or do next

-(3)to move with great difficulty and in an uncontrolled way

-example: The country's economy is floundering and the future is uncertain.



10.   crawl (v.)

-to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to theground

-example: She crawled across the floor, her eyes stinging from the smoke.



11.   meticulous (adj.)

-very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way

-example: He described the scene in meticulous detail.



12.   ordeal (n.)

-(1)a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control <ordeal by fire>

-(2)a severe trial or experience

-example: That sounds like an ordeal.




13.   monstrous (adj.)

-cruel, unfair, or morally wrong

-example: I find what you say monstrous.




14.   grotesque (adj.)

-(1)extremely ugly and strange

-(2)unreasonable, or offensive

-example: He called the original broadcast a grotesque distortion.



15.   skewer (n.)

-a long thin piece of metal or wood that you stick through food to hold it while itcooks

-example: Please give me a skewer.



16.   ignominy (n.)

-a situation where you feel embarrassed and lose other people's respect

-example: Spurs suffered the ignominy of a three-nil defeat.



17.   exploit (v.)

-(1)to treat someone unfairly in order to get some benefit for yourself

-(2)to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair to dothis

-(3)to use natural resources such as trees, water, or oil so that you gain as much as possible

-example: Children are being exploited in many of these factories.



18.   spiral (n.)

-a shape that looks like a set of circles inside each other, made by one line curvinginside itself

-example: I drew a spiral on the paper.



19.   chieftain (n.)

-the leader of a tribe (=a group of families or communities that are related to eachother)

-example: William is a responsible chieftain.



20.   nostalgic (adj.)

-(1)remembering happy times in the past

-(2)making someone remember happy times in the past

-example: A lot of adults feel nostalgic about their childhood.




21.   climactic (adj.)

-a climactic event, moment etc is the most exciting or important one in a series

-example: That is a climactic moment at that time.



22.   supplicate (v.)

-to make a humble entreaty; especially :  to pray to God

-example: The minister reminded his flock that God is a being to be obeyed and worshipped always and not just someone to besupplicated in times of trouble.



23.   slay (v.)

-(1)LITERARY to kill someone in a violent way

-(2)INFORMAL to impress someone, especially by making them laugh

-example: His jokes really slay me.



24.   poignant (adj.)

-giving you feelings of sadness

-example: The roadside crosses are a poignant reminder of fatal accidents.



25.   integrate (v.)

- to make someone become a full member of agroup or society and be involved completely in its activities

-example: How would such culturally different people be integrated into our society?

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    notes in class

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