


1.   perceptible (adj.)

-able to be seen, heard etc if you look, listen etc carefully

-example: Edward still walks with a perceptible limp.



2.   stonemason (n.)

-someone whose job is to cut stone for building or decoration

-example: My son is a stonemason.



3.   expansionist (adj.)

-relating to the efforts of a government or country to increase its land or power

-example: What the nation do is to do some expansionist actions.




4.   infuriating (adj.)

-extremely annoying

-example: The children here are all infuriating.




5.   resentment (n.)

-an angry unhappy feeling that you have when you think you have been treatedunfairly or without enough respect

-example: His promotion caused widespread resentment among the other lawyers.




6.   preach (v.)

-SHOWING DISAPPROVAL to give people advice, or to tell themhow to behave, in a way that annoys them

-example: I don't mean to preach, but I think it's time to get serious about your relationship.




7.   internecine (adj.)

-happening or existing between people who belong to the same group,organization, country etc

-example: A political party that has suffered because of bitterinternecine rivalries.




8.   ferocious (adj.)

-(1)violent and able to cause serious damage or injury

-(2)severe or strong

-example: The plan met with ferocious criticism.




9.   cynicism (n.)

-the belief that people care only about themselves and are not sincere or honest

-example: Don't be people like cynicism.




10.   futility (n.)

-a lack of purpose, importance, or effectiveness

-example: His efforts were accompanied by a sense of futility and doubt.




11.   homogeneity (n.)

-the condition of all the things in a group being very similar or of the same type

-example: The peer group sometimes is just like homogeneity.




12.   peninsula (n.)

-a long piece of land that is mostly surrounded by water, but is joined at one end toa larger area of land

-example: They built their house on a narrow peninsula.





13.   protractor (n.)

-an object that is shaped like half a circle and is used for measuring and drawingangles

-example: Do you bring your protractor to school today?




14.   reword (v.)

-to express something using different words in order to make it clearer or morecorrect

-example: You should reword this sentence.




15.   intensify (v.)

-if something intensifies, or if you intensify it, it becomes greater, stronger, or moreextreme

-example: Economic conditions intensified the pressure on industry to raise prices.




16.   permeate (v.)

- if an attitude or feeling permeates something, you can feel or seeits influence clearly in every part of that thing

-example: A sense of deep loss permeates Frost's poetry.




17.   manifestation (n.)

- evidence that something exists or is present

-example: The demonstrations were a manifestation of the people'sdiscontent.





18.   aristocrat (n.)

-a member of the aristocracy

-example: They are aristocrats.




19.   wane  (v.)

-if a feeling or power wanes, it becomes weaker or less important

-example: His enthusiasm was waning fast.





20.   landholder (n.)

-someone who owns a particular piece of land

-example: He is a landholder.




21.   inept (adj.)

-someone who is inept does not have much ability or skill

-example: I was a hopelessly inept student.




22.   wretch (n.)

-All we'd do is parade our wretched weakness.someone who is in a difficult situation and who you feel sorry for 

-example: The poor wretch lay crying by the side of the road.




23.   demise (n.)

-the time when something stops existing

-example: The demise of the typewriter in this computer age.




24.   imperial (adj.)

-relating to an empire (=the rule of one country over several other countries)

-example: I don't feel interested about Britain's imperial past.




25.   consolidate (v.)

- to make the power, position, or achievements you already havestronger or more effective so that they are likely to continue

-example: The president is trying to consolidate support for his proposal.

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    notes in class

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