
1.      venerable (adj.)
-meriting or commanding high esteem.
-example: The vendor was a venerable Irishman.
2.      verdant (adj.)
-green with vegetation.
-example: He travels through the lush and verdant landscape of the island.
3.      abyss  (n.)
-a very deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom
-example: Ahead of them was a gaping abyss.
4.      Academic  (adj.)
-connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities
-example: The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.
5.      abjure (v.)
-To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.
-example: The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.
6.      ablution (n.)
-A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.
-example: He performed his ablution before the ritual.
7.      bristle (v.)
-To suddenly become very annoyed or offended at what somebody says or does
-example: His lies made her bristle with rage.
8.      scrupulous (adj.)
-Cautious in action for fear of doing wrong.
-example: You must be scrupulous about hygiene when you're preparing a baby's feed.
9.      spurious (adj.)
- Not genuine.
-example: He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
10.    bridle (v.)
-to show that you are annoyed and/or offended at something, especially by moving your head up and backwards in a proud way
-example: She bridled at the suggestion that she was lying.
11.    brine (n.)
- very salty water, used especially for preserving food
-example: She steeped the cucumbers in brine.
12.    brokerage (n.)
-the business of being a broker / an amount of money charged by a broker for work that he/she does
-example: I'd rather try my hand at brokerage.
13.    temporize (v.)
-To pursue a policy of delay.
-example: Celia had decided long ago she would never temporize on that.
14.    tipsy (adj.)
-Befuddled with drinks.
-example: He, too, was tipsy and his explanations were repetitive.
15.    cadence (n.)
-the rise and fall of the voice in speaking
-example: He delivered his words in slow, measured cadences.
16.    cajole (v.)
-to make somebody do something by talking to them and being very nice to them
-example: He cajoled me into agreeing to do the work.
17.    berth (n.)
-a place to sleep on a ship or train, or in a caravan /camper
-example: It takes time to find a suitable berth.
18.    betroth (v.)
-To engage to marry.
-example: He betrothed his daughter to a doctor.
19.    transact (v.)
-To do business.
-example: I have been obliged to see him; there was business to transact.
20.    rite (n.)
- (a usually religious ceremony with) a set of fixed words and actions 
You have to go through an initiation rite before you become a full member.
21.    swerve (v.)
-to change direction, especially suddenly 
-example: The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists.
22.    encompass (v.)
-to include, especially different types of things
-example: The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.
23.    consummate (adj.)
-perfect, or complete in every way
-example: He's a consummate liar.
24.    totalitarian (v.)
-of or being a political system in which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freely to oppose them
-example: Almost all governments adopt totalitarian measures in time of war.
25.    deputy (n.)
-a person who is given the power to do something instead of another person, or the person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organization 
-example: I'd like you to meet Ann Gregory, my deputy.



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    notes in class

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