
1.      integrity (n.)    

-the quality of always behaving according to the moral principles that you believe in, so that people respect and trust you.

-example: Clytemnestra also defends the integrity of the family.



2.      acquittal (n.)

-An official judgment in a court of law that someone is not guilty of the crime they were accused of.

-example: Orestes’ acquittal in the third plays leaves her clams unsatisfied.



3.      forethought (n.)

-Careful thought and planning that prepares you well for a future event.

-example: Performed or expressed without preparation or forethought.



4.      entity (n.) 

-A separate unit that is complete and has its own character.

-example: It is the relationship of two independent entities that are equated. 



5.      canonical (adj.)

-following the generally accepted rules of something;based on the laws of a Christian church.

-example: On Hebrew Canonical Prophets Epistemology.



6.      decree (n.)

-a judgment made by a court of law;an official decision or order made by a leader or government.

-example: Antigone disobeys the decree.



7.      overriding (adj.)

-More important than anything else.

-example: It is of overriding importance to finish the project this week.



8.      tyrant (n.)

-someone who rules a country in a cruel and unfair way.

-example: He is not a mere tyrant.



9.      tyrannical (adj.)

-Using power in a cruel and unfair way.

-example: Antigone, as a hero of the resistance of tyrannical power.       



10.     disown (v.)

-To say that you no longer want to be connected with someone or something, for example because you are ashamed of them.

-example: She harshly disowns her.



11.     crucible (v.)

-place or situation in which people or ideas are tested severely,

-example: The alliance has been forged in the crucible of war.



12.     metaphor (n.)  

-a word that means one thing and is used for referring to another thing in order to emphasize their similar qualities.

-example: The analogical use of a metaphor.  



13.     bombastic (adj.)

-Using words that are intended to impress people but do not sound sincere or do not express things very clearly.

-example: The candidate spoke in a bombastic way of all that he would do if elected.


14.     dragnet (n.)

-a very thorough search by the police.

-example: To search or sweep the bottom of(a body of water), as with a grappling hook or dragnet.



15.     coil (v.)

-To wind something long and thin into a shape like a series of rings.

-example: I coil him round and round.



16.     intricacy (n.)

-the state of containing a large number of parts or details

-example: He was lost in the intricacies of a new electric motor.



17.     exult (v.)

-To feel or show great pleasure and excitement, especially about something that you have achieved.

-example: Aegisthus exults to see Agamemnon’s body.



18.     defiance (n.)

-open refusal to obey somebody/something

-example: Running away was an act of defiance against his parents.



19.     prop (v.)

-To hold something in position by putting something under or against it, or by leaning it against something else.

-example: He propped his bicycle up against the fence.



20.     bonfire (n.)

-A large fire built outside for burning waste. People also have bonfires at parties or celebrations.

-example: The bonfire nearest to Argos.



21.     grope (v.)

-to touch someone sexually in a rough way, especially someone who does not want to be touched.

-example: I grope for the light switch in the dark room.



22.     sentry (n.)

-A soldier who stands at the entrance to a place and guards it.

-example: No one was excluded from sentry duty.



23.     godsend (n.)

-Something that you are very grateful for because it helps you in a difficult situation.

-example: Her gift of money was a godsend.



24.     distraught (adj.)

-so upset and worried that you cannot think clearly:

-example: Relatives are tonight comforting the distraught parents.



25.     manever  (v.)

-a movement performed with care and skill

-example: A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex.

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    notes in class

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