目前分類:字源學 (11)

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Florist  (n.)

definition: a person whose job or business is to sell flowers and plants

example: He is a famous florist.


rotation (n.)

definition: the act or process of moving or turning around a central point; a complete turn around a central point

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The Bucket List

The Bucket List (2007)

kick the bucket 掛掉


-shire ,  -berry ------> 祖先埋鍋造飯埋骨的地方

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"Bee Season"(some forbidden knowledge/hubris/curiosity)

Theme:alienation, loneliness, misunderstanding, misconception, miscommunication

control freak-->Eliza's father

Eliza rebelled against her father.

You got a horn on your head.

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Movie Time-Bee Season

A wife and mother begins a downward emotional spiral, as her husband avoids their collapsing marriage by immersing himself in his 11 year-old daughter's quest to become a spelling bee champion.

File:Bee Season film.jpg

My reflection:

At first, the movie was actually esoteric that I just couldn’t figure out the expression of the movie. Finally, I suddenly realized what the movie wanted to convey to us. The whole family broke up the harmony due to the spelling bee. However, they began to become reconciled as well as it. The twisting paradox overspread within each family member. The relationship between Saul and Aaron got colder and looser because Saul put more attention on his daughter, Eliza. Miriam and Aaron all had their inner religion, which was not allowed by Saul. Frankly speaking, for me, the feeling of loneliness and alienation implied in the movie may happen everywhere. Everyone sometimes feels that. That’s normal phenomenon. So why not try to embrace them next time? However, if that kind of condition occurs to you or your family and then affect you seriously, you had better consult to a psychiatrist for advice. All in all, Bee Season is an enlightening movie worthy of your watch.

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ab-abortion, abuse,abandon

sym-together,sympathy, symmetrical

de-departure, decline,

circulative system循環系統



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fin-(法文字根)-->indefinite, infinity

It should be finished by the first of May.(by對未來時間點有個確切期待)

gni,gno(have to do with knowledge)-->ignorant, recognize



For Whom the Bell Tolls戰地鐘聲

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peri-(周長)perimeter=amount, pheripheral周邊設備

cheat on me紅杏出牆

sigh no more,ladies.別再嘆氣了小姐


One foot in sea, the other on shore.劈腿

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I never listen to you when you're being morbid.不跟死人講話

ann-,enn-(stands for year)-->annuity, annual, perennial

graduate student研究生

phon-(represent sound)--->phoneme, phonograph


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The movie touched/moved me.電影很感人

I was touched by the movie.


brother's keeper----創世紀典故

Cain killed Jacob.哥哥殺了弟弟


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mistletow 榭寄生

單數集合名詞mathematics, economics

靈巧 dexterity


Entrapment (1999)

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Al Gore's Concession Speech

I offer my concession 我願意讓步

ratify 批准

poll 民調 (跟數字相關)


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