

Al Gore's Concession Speech

I offer my concession 我願意讓步

ratify 批准

poll 民調 (跟數字相關)


Congress= Senate+House of Representatives

The Departed


The Devil's Advocate


capitol building 議會大廈(圓頂)

眾議員: senator

legislative yuan(make the law)+executive yuan(enforce the law)+judiciary yuan(interpret the law)

motto 標語

electoral college 選舉人團票

"the winner takes it all."  

I appreciate = I'm grateful = I feel a deep gratitude

hamper: damage

look forward to + V-ing

mend some fences 修籬笆----->修補disagreement


pre-(prefix) means earlier than : before : in advance

1. premise noun \ˈpre-məs\

definition: a building and the area of land that it is on: a statement or idea that is accepted as being true and that is used as the basis of an argument.

sentence: They were asked to leave the premises.

2. preemptive adjective \-ˈem(p)-tiv\

definition: done to stop an unwanted act by another group, country, etc., from happening.

sentence: The country took preemptive action against the perceived enemy.

3. premarital adjective /priːˈmærɪt(ə)l/

definition: happening before marriage

sentence: The couple reached a premarital agreement.

agr-(prefix) means

1. agriculture noun \ˈa-gri-ˌkəl-chər\

definition:  the science or occupation of farming

sentence: They cleared the land to use it for agriculture.

2. agricultural  adjective \ˌa-gri-ˈkəl-ch(ə-)rəl\

definition: of, relating to, or used in farming or agriculture : engaged in or concerned with farming or agriculture.

sentence: He used to be in agricultural society.

ad-(prefix) means step forward

1. advocate noun \ˈad-və-kət, -ˌkāt\

definition: a person who argues for or supports a cause or policy: a person who works for a cause or group : a person who argues for the cause of another person in a court of law

sentence: She works as a consumer advocate.

2. ad-lib verb /ˌæd ˈlɪb/

definition: to say something in a speech, play etc without preparing or writing it before you say it

sentence: I lost the notes for my talk and had to ad-lib.

3. ad hoc  adjective \ˈad-ˈhäk, -ˈhōk; ˈäd-ˈhōk\

definition: formed or used for a special purpose : made or done without planning because of an immediate need

sentence:  The mayor appointed an ad hoc committee to study the project.

mor-(prefix) means





    創作者 sabrina17034 的頭像

    notes in class

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