
Florist  (n.)

definition: a person whose job or business is to sell flowers and plants

example: He is a famous florist.


rotation (n.)

definition: the act or process of moving or turning around a central point; a complete turn around a central point

example: Alfalfa and corn are planted in rotation.




 Initiate = get started

 oscillate=vibrate=fluctuate→wavelike motion


comprehensive (adj.)

definition: including many, most, or all things

example: Look at the comprehensive section to check your answers.

comprehensive university→more than five college


 geo─ →earth


alchemist (n.)

definition: a person who studies or practices alchemy

example: She is the alchemist that practiced her alchemy in the kitchen, turning a pile of vegetables into a delicious salad.


at the drop of a hat: Refers to someone willing to do something immediately.

Monday morning quarterback:馬後炮

district attorney(DA):地方檢察官

ac─ →take it


ex─ →out

has the jury reached a verdict


flame (n.)

definition: the hot, glowing gas that can be seen when a fire is burning; a state of burning brightly

exampleThe engine burst into flame.


old flame→ex.. girlfriend/ex.. boyfriend



cardinal (n.)

definition: a priest of the Roman Catholic Church who ranks immediately below the Pope


 psyche and cupid butterfly

 arteries and veins 動脈和靜脈

 apathy→without feeling


 clot (n.)

definition: a stupid person

example: We were told that his stroke was caused by a clot in his brain.


de─→down, away from

e.g. decline, departure, depreciate


fluid (n.)

definition: a substance that is able to flow freely: a liquid substance

Oedipus stands for the swollen ankle.



e.g. diagnosis


sop sequence of process

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close    Official Trailer 

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    notes in class

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