1. refrain (n.)
-a group of lines in a poem or a song that are repeated regularly;a phrase or an idea that is often repeated.
-example: Skipped in time and shouted the refrain.
2. nimble (adj.)
-able to move quickly and easily;someone who has a nimble mind is intelligent and learns things quickly.
-example: Nine nimble dogs followed along
3. lame (adj.)
-a lame animal cannot walk very well because its leg or foot is damaged
-example: He is lame in one leg and walks with the help of a crutch.
4. embellish (v.)
-to make a story more interesting by adding details, especially ones that are not completely true;to make something more beautiful by decorating it.
-example: On it the renowned lame god embellished a dancing ground.
5. finespun (adj.)
-Developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety.
-example: The men finespun tunics glistening softly with oil.
6. douse (v.)
-(1)to cover something or someone with a liquid, especially water of fuel
-(2)to make a fire stop burning by pouring water over it.
-example: The old man roasted them over charcoal and doused them with wine.
7. goblet (n.)
-a large glass with a tall stem;a metal or glass cup used in the past for drinking wine.
-example: He poured some wine into the goblet.
8. billow (n.)
-a large wave in the sea;a moving cloud of something such as smoke or steam.
-example: The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing.
9. affront (v.)
-to offend or insult someone, especially by not showing respect:
-example: He stepped back, affronted by the question
10. negligible (adj.)
-too slight or unimportant to have any effect.
-example: The damage done to his property was negligible.
11. negligible (adj.)
-Very unimportant or small.
-example: The damage to my car is negligible.
12. bawl (v.)
-to shout in a loud angry way;to cry loudly, especially in a way that annoys other people.
-example: Cursing me and bawling me out.
13. sapling (n.)
-A young tree.
-example: She cut down the sapling with one chop.
14. despoil (v.)
-To take all the valuable or beautiful objects from a place.
-example: A region despoiled of its scenic beauty by unchecked development.
15. strife (n.)
-Fighting or disagreement between people or groups.
-example: These firms are at strife.
16. beseech (v.)
-to eagerly and anxiously ask someone for something [= beg]
-example: He besought the judge to show mercy.
17. lament (v.)
-to express feelings of great sadness about something:;to express annoyance or disappointment about something you think is unsatisfactory or unfair
-example: He lamented that people had expected too much of him too soon.
18. forge (v.)
-to keep moving forward, with a lot of difficulty;
-example: The ship forged ahead under a favorable wind.
19. bellow (n.)
-to shout very loud;to make a deep sound that a bull and some other large animals make.
-example: The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon.
20. taunt (v.)
-to try to make somebody angry or upset by saying unkind things about them, laughing at their failures, etc
-example: The other children taunted him about his weight.
21. triple (adj.)
-(1)three times bigger than the usual size or amount.
-(2)involving three things of the same kind.
-example: He threw a triple rim around it.
22. garland (v.)
-A ring of flowers, leaves, etc. that you wear around your head or neck or use for decorating something.
-example: One flower makes no garland.
23. mantle (n.)
-the role and responsibilities of an important person or job, especially when they are passed on from one person to another
-example: It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental.
24. aloof (adj.)
-Someone who is aloof, or who remains or stays aloof from something, is not friendly or does not want to be involved in something.
-example: Alone is aloof from the wash of Ocean.
25. bridal (adj.)
-Relating to a bride (= a woman getting married) or a wedding.
-example: Up through the town, bridal son rising.