core course 骨幹課程
multinational 多國型企業
fall 墮落
falls 瀑布
I fall to the ground.
Eve 悔恨意味
gen-beginning/birth, generator, gene
Genesis 創世紀
genesis 起家
The first blood : Cain killed Adam
covenant 盟約
sc- , cr- ------------>製造噪音 ex..scatter
我在 Here I am.
Robbert Burns liked haggis (boiled)
1/25蘇格蘭當晚--->Burns Night
Ireland 馬鈴薯基因改變引發飢荒進而大批難民移往北美十三州東北部
Joseph 約瑟的神奇彩衣
Joseph can interpret the dream.
Joseph 被 Potiphar's wife 看上, 他老婆說 Life with me.
強暴 attempted rape
Joseph = Mary's husband
新約主角Christ Jesus
Ten Commandments 十誡
安息 sabbath
idolatry 崇拜偶像
blasphemy 褻瀆神明
不要講 oh my god
版本 vulgat
King James 欽定版聖經 (the first version)
magus 單數
magi 複數
So bring him incense, gold, and myrrh ------ Lord's prayer
Our father who art (are) in heaven hallowed be thy name
Anglican 英國國教--->出國----->聖公會 episcopal
Catholic 天主教
到 Colchis 尋找golden fleece