Al Gore's Concession Speech

I offer my concession 我願意讓步

ratify 批准

poll 民調 (跟數字相關)


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The New Testament : Greek , 27章(希臘文)

The Old Testament : 39章 (希伯來文)


見證 testimony


prodigal son 浪子回頭---->只要你想新生,都會得到原諒。

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美國文學史,英國文學史---->period (時期課)

epic,tragedy---->genre (文學體裁)


Aeschylus is the creator of tragedy.

三大悲劇作家: Aeschylus, Euripides, and Sophocles.

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It 's the most wonderful time of the Year. (外國聖誕節必唱)-------------參考影片 While You Were Sleeping

There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting

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in medias res 從中間開始 (一種文學鋪述作法)


homeric simile : a detailed comparison, ex.. my love is like a red rose. -----Robert Burns

simile <------> metaphor

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1.   obscure (v.)

-to make (something) difficult to understand or know : to make (something) obscure

-to hide or cover (something) : to be in front of (something) so that it cannot be seen

-example: The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.


2.   pastoral (adj.)

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1.   basin (n.)

-(1)a large area of land whose surface water all flows into a particular river or lake

-(2)a round open container used for holding liquids or for storing or mixing food

-(3)a large bowl fixed to the wall in a bathroom for washing your face and hands in

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