drama--(1) comedy (2)tragedy
方言本土化 (1519, 馬丁路德 Martin Luther)
1st 方言聖經 (馬丁路德把拉丁文聖經編譯成德文)
欽定版聖經(King James Version)由英王詹姆斯一世的命令下翻譯的,所以也被稱為英王欽定本、詹姆士王譯本或英王詹姆士王譯本等。
magnitude 量;大小
Electra 戀父情結
Oedipus 戀母情結
Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear
"Life is a walking shadow."--Macbeth
comic relief
Cupid 有次射箭不小心射到三色堇,它就流血了 ex.. love at the first sight
Cupid(羅馬名), Eros(希臘名)-->errors 有三隻箭(1)silver (2)lead (3)remedy
Cupid eros and psyche
Apollo Psyche
attendant 隨從 -ant stands for the people suffix, ex.. flight attendant, accountant, protestant, applicant
approve (n) -al stands for the noun suffix
Shakespeare 5幕劇 Act1, Scene 5
straightford on 河流名稱
Shakespeare's wife: Anne Hathaway
約瑟夫的神奇彩衣(Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)
garment 外套
hubris 傲慢