
1.   basin (n.)

-(1)a large area of land whose surface water all flows into a particular river or lake

-(2)a round open container used for holding liquids or for storing or mixing food

-(3)a large bowl fixed to the wall in a bathroom for washing your face and hands in

-example: Have you ever been to the Colorado River Basin.


2.    fusion (n.)

-a process in which different styles, ideas, designs etc combine to form something new

 -example: Leonardo represents the fusion of art and science.


3.   conquest (n.)

- (1)the process of taking control of land or people during a war

 -(2) the process of gaining control of something through great effort

-example: The Spanish conquest of Peru.


4.   tripartite (adj.)

-(1)involving three countries or organizations

-(2)consisting of three parts

-example: That is a tripartite political system.


5.   arrangement (n.)

- a way of organizing things so that problems are solved or avoided

-example: I'm staying with Sally until my heating gets fixed – it's just a temporary arrangement.


6.   converge (v.)

-(1)to come from different directions to reach the same point

-(2)to become the same or very similar

-example: Our opinions seldom converged.


7.   inadequacy (n.)

-(1) the failure to be of the quantity or quality needed for a particular purpose

-(2) a lack of confidence that makes someone feel they are not good enough to deal with a particular situation or with life in general

-(3) a fault in someone or something that prevents them from reaching the standard that is needed or expected

-example: These statistics show the total inadequacy of the present oil reserves.


8.   omnipotent (adj.)

-powerful enough to do everything

-example: God is omnipotent.


9.   Euphrates (n.)

-a proper noun

-example: The Euphrates is the longest river of Western Asia.


10.   galley (n.)

-(1)the kitchen on a boat or plane

-(2)a long Ancient Greek or Roman ship that used sails and slaves with oars to move it

-example: Where is the galley?


11.   oarsman (n.)

- a person who rows a boat especially as a member of a racing team

-example: He's an oarsman.


12.   feudal system (n.)

-a proper noun

-example: The definition of feudal system is in the dictionary.


13.   peasantry (n.)

-peasants, considered as a social class

-example: These villagers are all peasantry.


14.   overlord (n.)

-in the past, someone with less power than a king or queen but more power than a lord

-example: He is the overlord of the underground gambling industry.


15.   valley (n.)

-(1)an area of low land between hills or mountains

-(2)a low period, point, or level

-example: The valley will be the first to flood if the river rises.


16.   tract (n.)

-(1)extent or lapse of time

-(2)an area either large or small

-(3)a system of body parts or organs that act together to perform some function

-example: I have something problem with my digestive tract.


17.   Crescent (n.)

-a curved shape that is wide in the middle and pointed at the ends. The moon sometimes has this shape.

-example: The Crescent in the night is marvelous.


18.   irrigate (vt)

-(1)to supply (something, such as land) with water by using artificial means (such as pipes)

-(2)medical : to clean (a wound or a part of the body) with flowing liquid (such as water)

-example: The surgeon irrigated the wound.


19.   hieroglyphics (n.)

-(1)writing that uses pictures and symbols to represent sounds and words, especially Ancient Egyptian writing

-(2)written words or symbols that are difficult to read or understand

-example: Do you know the hieroglyphics.


20.   cuneiform (adj.)

-relating to a writing system used in ancient times in the Middle East. The letters are long and thin and wide at one end and narrow at the other

-example: Those are cuneiform words.


21.   millennium (n.)

-a period of 1,000 years

-example: The book describes the changes that have occurred in the landscape over many millennia.


22.   onward (adv.)

- to or toward what is ahead in space or time

-example: They have lived in that house from 1983 onward.


23.   indigenous (adj.)

-produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment

-example: There are several indigenous groups that still live in the area.


24.   archaeology (n.)

-the study of ancient societies, done by looking at tools, bones, buildings, and other things from that time that have been found

-example: I'm interested in archaeology.


25.   imperialism (n.)

-(1)a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world

-(2) the effect that a powerful country or group of countries has in changing or influencing the way people live in other, poorer countries

-example: British imperialism created the enormous British Empire.

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    notes in class

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