chapel 小教堂
cathedral 大主教堂
church (統稱教堂)
amateur (a stands for without ) mateur looks like mature
e.g. amoral atheist---> the means god
A mature man lives humbly for one.--------The catcher in the rye
What does the mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one mean?--Stekel
democracy (cracy means govern and manage)
e.g. theocracy bureaucracy
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
demon ~ devil
e.g. demonstration
promotion 特價 (pro- means in favor of )
demotion (de means down, away from)
checks and balances (1) make the law---Legistration (2) enforce the law----Executive (3) interpret the law----Judiciary
服貿 Trade in service
protestor 抗議者
protestant--Catholic Christian
WASP----> White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
(美) congress= senate + house of representative
(英) parliament
hold 開課
Hadrin's wall
Gone with the wind 亂世佳人
emerge(e means out of ) e.g. evict evacuate
await (a means expect)
sq. = (1) 長方形 (2) 平方
cubic 立方
thermometer (ther means heat)
hydrant 水-----> hydrometer
barometer 晴雨器